Glenbard All Breed Obedience Club
CGC Test
CGC Test Dec 7 /6:30
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
No cash refunds for classes will be granted after two weeks prior to the stated start date. If you must withdraw from a class within that two-week period before the class starts, a class credit towards a different class will be offered. If a class has to be paused due to (State of Emergency declarations)COVID government gathering regulations, future class credit will be granted to students prorated by how many classes are remaining in the class rotation if Gaboc is unable to resume the classes within a reasonable amount of time. No refunds or class credits will be issued for those students that just stop coming to class. Exceptions- if a class is canceled by GABOC, refunds will be granted for the number of weeks remaining in the class at the time of cancelation.
Contact Details
DuPage County Fairgrounds, 2015 Manchester Rd, Wheaton, IL 60187, USA